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2014年05月19日 09:19 来源:经济参考报 参与互动(0)

    M obilephoneindustrygiantsA ppleandG oogle have agreedtodism iss law suits theyhadbroughtagainsteach otherovertechnologypatents.


    T hetw oSiliconV alleytechnologygiantssaid they aredropping law suitsagainst oneanother andw ill w orktogether insom e areas ofpatentreform . T hedism issed suitsinvolvepatent disputesregardingG oogle’sM otorolaM obilityhandset unit. T he deal doesn’t includeA pple’s ongoingpatent battles w ithSam sung,w hichuses G oogle’s A ndroidsoftw are for m o-biledevices. T heagreem ent does not includeacross licence.


    M otorolasuedA ppleforpatent infring-em ent in2010,andA pplecountersued. G oogleinheritedthesuitsw hen it bought M otorolaM obilityfor $12.5billionin2012inpart toobtain M otorola’sportfolioof thousandsofpatents,w hich it usedtodefenditsA ndroidm obile-operatingsystem from intellectual-prop-erty claim sby A pple,MicrosoftC orp andothers. G oogleearlier this year agreedtosellM otorola’sdevicesunit toC hinesecom puterm akerLenovoG roupLtd. for $2.9billion,thoughit w ouldkeepM otorola’s patents.


    A pple’siO S softw are and G oogle’sA ndroid pow erthem ajorityof thew orld’ssm artphones andtablets andbothare seekingtokeeptheir pre-em inent positions inthose grow -ingm arkets. Botharealsoduellingeachotherin areasincludingm obilem aps,onlinem usicandother products.

    苹果的iO S软件和谷歌的安卓软件占领了全球智能手机和平板电脑的大部分市场,两家企业都希望能在这些增长中的市场中保持其领先的地位。两家企业也都在包括移动手机地图、在线音乐和其它产品等领域进行竞争。(《南华早报》)

    A pple-w hich producesiPhones-andfirm sthatm akephonesusing G oogle’sA ndroidsoftw areearlier . A ndroidsoftw areis now in-stalledonsom e80% of new phones soldeveryyear.


    U ntil F riday,A ppleand G oogle w erelockedinabout 20law suits against eachotherintheU .S . andG erm any. O nceallies,A ppleandG ooglearebuttingheads m ore frequently,eyingthesam eacquisitiontargets andtopen-gineeringtalent as eachcom pany’s business inareas suchas m aps,voice-basedsearch,stream -ingvideodevices andW ebbrow sers bleeds intothe other’s.


    “It’s alw ays intheinterest of consum ersw hencooler heads prevail,”saidA l H ilw a,ananalyst at researcher ID C .“A nythingthat canm aketheecosystem m oreinteroperableandforpeople to kind ofeasily m ove from oneecosystem toanother is goodfor everyone.”

    ID C分析师表示,企业冷静下来,这对于消费者而言是好事。任何能够让生态体系更能彼此合作,能使大家从一个生态系统很容易地转向另一个生态系统的事情,对每个人来说都是好事。(《南华早报》)

    D espitethedetente,G ooglestill facespatent litigationfrom acom panythat is par-tiallyow nedbyA pple calledthe R ockstar Con-sortium . R ockstar w as set upas a joint ventureow nedbyA pple,M icrosoft,BlackBerryLtd.,EricssonInc. andSonyC orp. after that groupbeat out G oogleinabiddingw ar for patentsow ned by N ortel N etw orksInc. in 2011 .R ockstar last N ovem ber launchedabarrageoflaw suitsagainst G oogleasw ell asm akersofA ndroiddevices.

    尽 管 局 势 已 经 缓 和 ,但 是 谷 歌 仍 面 临R ockstar Consortium的专利侵权。R ockstar Con-sortium是苹果、微软、黑莓、爱立信和索尼公司的合资企业,2011年,这一联合集团和谷歌在争夺北电网络公司所拥有的专利权时将谷歌击败。去年11月,R ockstar发起对谷歌和安卓制造商的系列法律诉讼。(《华尔街日报》)

    W hile the agreem ent settles differences be-tw eenA ppleandG oogle’s M otorolaM obilityover basic patents,A pple has beenem broiledinlitigationagainst Sam sung,the biggest m aker ofA ndroidsm artphones. In asecondtrial thatendedearlier this m onth,A pplew on $U S120m illion from Sam sung afterseeking $U S2billionin dam ages. T hejuryalsofoundthatA pple infringedone Sam sungpatent,aw ardingit$U S158,000.

    这项协议解决了苹果和谷歌的摩托罗拉移动手机部门关于基本专利权方面的争议。但苹果公司还面临针对三星的侵权诉讼,三星是安卓智能手机最大的制造商。在本月早些时候结束的第二项审讯中,苹果公司在索要20亿损害赔偿后,从三星公司赢得了1.2亿美元。陪审团也发现了苹果侵犯了三星的一项专利,判罚15 .8万美元。(《南华早报》)

    (周武英 编译)

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