
发布时间:2023年12月27日 14:49     来源:中国新闻网

  大道同行,长风破浪,云间比翼,历经十年,共建“一带一路”倡议的脚步愈发坚实。“中国造”绿荫地闪耀卡塔尔世界杯,项目揽获六项世界之最;中希合作助力“比港神话”再现爱琴海畔,海洋之舟重整远航;中国“丝路雄鹰”遨游寰宇,引领多国向蓝天要发展。 自共建“一带一路”倡议提出以来,一大批高质量合作项目在共建国家开花结果。展望下一个十年,中国携手“一带一路”朋友圈,赓续丝路精神,谱写海陆空三线联动新篇章,共建更美好的世界。(林卓玮)

(ECNS) -- On land, in the sea and air, co-constructed projects by Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) partner countries span an array of sectors.

Notably, the Lusail Stadium, jointly developed by a Chinese enterprise, stands as a testament to this collaborative effort, achieving six world records and emerging as a highlight during the Qatar World Cup. Another success story lies in the port of Piraeus in Greece, which, under the stewardship of a Chinese company for over a decade, has witnessed a revival of prosperity.

The BRI's influence extends beyond  traditional modes of projects on land and sea. Over the past decade, the Air Silk Road has exemplified China's expansion of its aviation transportation network with BRI partner countries, reshaping global connectivity and fostering increased collaboration.

Since the launch of the BRI, numerous high-quality collaborative projects have yielded fruitful outcomes. This success can be attributed to the Silk Road spirit, which knows no geographical boundaries.

China will join hands with more countries. Together, BRI partners are building a better world.


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