
发布时间:2023年11月15日 20:22     来源:中国新闻网

  应美国总统拜登邀请,中国国家主席习近平11月14日赴美国旧金山举行中美元首会晤,同时应邀出席亚太经合组织第三十次领导人非正式会议。美国库恩基金会主席罗伯特·库恩(Robert Kuhn)在接受中新网专访时表示,高度期待此次会晤。他说,经贸关系一直是美中两国关系的压舱石,同时也是美中关系积极发展的最主要推动器。他也期待本次中美元首会晤能打造一个永久性的新平台,为两国关系在各领域的新发展打下基础。(陈天浩)

  At the invitation of U.S. President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping will be in San Francisco from Nov. 14 to 17 for a China-U.S. summit meeting and the 30th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Dr. Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said that economic relationship between the U.S. and China is the ballast in the ship that keeps everything afloat, and it also is the primary support engine for positive U.S.-China relations for decades. Kuhn hopes this summit meeting to make a permanent new plateau where everything can be built from.


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