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2014年07月31日 16:20 来源:人民网 参与互动(0)








  笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)

  Takeo Utsugi(宇津木孟雄)

  According to the written confession of Takeo Utsugi from July to September in 1954, he was born in Chiba Prefecture, Japan in 1895. In 1934, he was an advisor to the “Manchukuo” Military Police. In July 1942, he became manager of Xinjing Xingya Industry Company. On 20 December 1945, he was arrested in Changchun by the Soviet Army。

  Major offences:

  November 1937:sent “a Chinese patriot who was sentenced to death” and detained by the Xinjing Military Police to Xinjing No. 2 Army Hospital “for pathological experiments”; “At that time, as I was just about to go on a business trip by car, I helped to send Corporal Tamura and the detainee to the hospital”;

  January 1938: in order to do pathological experiments on live bodies, “I ordered Warrant Officer Ando and Corporal Tamura to send a prisoner sentenced to death to Xinjing No. 2 Army Hospital and give him to a military surgeon, Captain Ono”;

  November: in order to do pathological experiments on live bodies, “ordered Warrant Officer Ando and Corporal Tamura to send another prisoner sentenced to death, a Chinese patriot detained by the Unit, to Xinjing No. 2 Army Hospital, and give him to a military surgeon, Captain Ono”; in the same month, “arrested 7 Chinese patriots and 6 of them were sent to the Procuratorate…one was sentenced to death for murder and robbery, and later sent to Xinjing No. 2 Army Hospital for experiments”。



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