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2011年11月02日 13:04 来源:中国新闻网 参与互动(0)  【字体:↑大 ↓小


  Tan Jing: The Leader in a New Era of Chinese Music


  Tan Jing is a solo artist in the Song and Dance Troupe of the PLA General Political Department and a national first class actress. She was the first pop singer in China to earn a Master’s degree, was elected a deputy of the 10th National People’s Congress and has been voted one of China’s Top Ten Outstanding Youths。


  Her singing style is innovative, blending the best of Bel canto, national, and popular sounds. She combines the richest of traditional and modern singing methods to create a simple, moving style that distinguishes her from other singers. Her voice is elegant, pure, and full of expression and appeal as it resounds loud and clear, leading industry experts to dub her the “Sarah Brightman of the East”. Her most famous works include “On That Eastern Mountain Top”, “Distant Love”, “Wife”, and “Moving Eastward”。


  In addition to singing, Tan Jing has extended her artistic talents to other performing arts on stage, starring in the original national operas “Ode to Mulan” and “The White-Haired Girl”, the musicals “Crazy Snow”, “Jasmine”, “In That Distant Place”, and other plays. This year, the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party, she acted in five fully-packed performances of “The White-Haired Girl” at the National Theater。


  Performance Highlights: Bilingual English and Chinese renditions of the classical songs

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