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上一页 中国收复西南沙群岛70周年纪念活动中英文对照发言(2) 查看下一页

2016年12月24日 10:50 来源:中国海军网 参与互动 
2016年12月8日,海军在北京举行中国收复西南沙群岛70周年纪念活动。海军政委苗华主持活动并致辞。李高健 摄
2016年12月8日,海军在北京举行中国收复西南沙群岛70周年纪念活动。海军政委苗华主持活动并致辞。李高健 摄










  Opening Speech at the Commemoration of 70th Anniversary of China’s Recovery of Xisha and Nansha Islands

  ADM Miao Hua

  Political Commissar, Chinese PLA Navy

  Respected guests,

  Comrades and friends,

  Today, we get together ceremoniously to commemorate the 70th anniversary of China’s recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands by China. Here, I’d like to pay tribute to the naval veterans who participated in the recovery 70 years ago and people from all circles who give important contribution to safeguarding territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of China in the South China Sea. And, I would also like to extend welcome to all the guests and friends that join us at the event。

  The Xisha and Nansha islands have been part of China’s territory since ancient times. China holds indisputable sovereignty over the Xisha and Nansha islands. From 1930s to 1940s, suffering from domestic disorder and foreign aggression, China was impoverished and the people were in misery. Some foreign powers took advantage of China’s weakness to occupy illegally and plunder some of the Xisha and Nansha islands. The Chinese people, fighting with indomitable courage, recovered some of the occupied islands on the victory of the Resistance War against Japanese Aggression, setting sovereignty marker, stationing troops, establishing and promulgating Dotted Lines that delimit China’s territorial waters in the South China Sea. This historic undertaking ended the humiliating history of China being invaded by imperialist powers in the South China Sea, and made glorious history of Chinese people resisting maritime aggression, which is widely recognized by the international community。

  The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha islands 70 years ago was an assertive claim of China’s sovereignty over these islands. The state behavior to restore inherent territory proclaimed solemnly again that Chinese people is the real owner of the Xisha and Nansha islands. The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha islands 70 years ago manifested human justice. It was a just move of fighting against invasion and upholding peace. The recovery of the Xisha and Nansha islands 70 years ago defended the victory of the Second World War. As an important arrangement embodied in the postwar international order, it demonstrated the iron will of the Chinese nation to safeguard territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and defended resolutely the victory of the World Anti-fascist War. It explored a peaceful path for the Chinese government to fulfill international responsibility and obligation and played a leading role in promoting regional security, development and prosperity。

  What happened in the past, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. To remember China’s recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands 70 years ago, we recall together the great struggle, share the achievements, and renew friendship. And by doing so we remind ourselves to bear in mind the past, take history as a mirror, cherish peace, create future, and work collaboratively to promote the lofty cause of world peace and stability。

  Now, I would declare the commencement of the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of China’s Recovery of the Xisha and Nansha Islands。



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