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上一页 中国收复西南沙群岛70周年纪念活动中英文对照发言(6) 查看下一页

2016年12月24日 10:50 来源:中国海军网 参与互动 
2016年12月8日,海军在北京举行中国收复西南沙群岛70周年纪念活动。外交学院国际关系研究所教授周永生发言。李高健 摄
2016年12月8日,海军在北京举行中国收复西南沙群岛70周年纪念活动。外交学院国际关系研究所教授周永生发言。李高健 摄


周永生 外交学院国际关系研究所教授

  第二次世界大战是一段惨痛的历史,也是人类的一面镜子。在艰苦卓绝的反法西斯战争当中,建立起了至今还在延续的战后和平与国际秩序。这是反法西斯同盟国、中国人民和世界人民,在付出巨大的生命牺牲以后,所取得的来之不易的二战胜利成果。中国收复南海诸岛,是中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争、二战胜利成果的有机组成部分。在纪念中国战后收复南海诸岛及其附属海域70周年的光荣日子里,我们缅怀先烈,回顾二战当中中国人民的伟大抗战,与战后收复台湾及其钓鱼岛、澎湖列岛,收复南海诸岛,实现祖国统一的伟大胜利。用习主席的话来说就是,这一伟大胜利,使和平的阳光再次普照大地。“彻底粉碎了日本军国主义殖民奴役中国的图谋,洗刷了近代以来中国抗击外来侵略屡战屡败的民族耻辱。这一伟大胜利,重新确立了中国在世界上的大国地位,使中国人民赢得了世界爱好和平人民的尊敬。” 我们要倍加珍惜二战后中国人民经过长期血战,光复的领土和失地,所获得的国家领土、海洋的统一。


  近代以来,中国屡遭列强的侵略和欺凌,丢失大量国土和海域,山河破碎。1931年,“9 18事变”爆发,日本开始大规模侵略中国东北和华北地区,1937年“7 7卢沟桥事变”,日本开始全面侵华战争。同时开始大规模侵占中国南海的西沙群岛和南沙群岛。中国人民展开了艰苦卓绝的抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争。中国战场在第二次大战当中反法西斯的伟大作用,毫不逊色于欧洲战场与太平洋战场,世界各国应该用客观的眼光看到中国抗战的伟大作用,应该根据中国战场的实际情况,评估中国战场作战方式的特殊性和作用的特殊性。

  第一,中国军队反法西斯侵略作战的时间最长。日本从1931年“9 18事变”就开始大规模侵略中国,中国政府的部分军队、中国共产党的游击队——东北抗日联军和民间武装,就开始了对日本法西斯军队的作战,直至日本战败投降,时间长达14年之久。而欧洲战场的作战时间,只有6年左右,大多数欧洲强国没有经过多长时间的抵抗就向德国侵略军投降了。太平洋战场的作战时间,也只有4年左右。而中国作为弱国,却能对强大于自己数倍的日本侵略军长期作战。






  战后国际秩序是反法西斯同盟国在战胜法西斯轴心国的基础之上,第二次世界大战同盟国所召开的一系列首脑会议,发布的一系列宣言、文件和条约,架构起了第二次世界大战后国际秩序的基本框架。其基本宗旨就是,使被侵略者、被奴役者、被压迫者得到解放和自由;使被劫掠的领土和财富回归原主;使饱受战火蹂躏的人们得到和平,免于恐惧;增进各国之间的合作,免于物资上的匮乏。主要内容包括以下五个方面:一是要消灭日德意等法西斯轴心国对世界的侵略战争和殖民统治,恢复世界和平与秩序。不打败法西斯侵略,绝不单独媾和。 二是日德意轴心国所侵略的领土、岛礁等要归还原有的国家。确定战后欧洲的版图,也规范了战后亚洲的部分版图。其中包括规定,日本侵略的中国领土要全部归还中国,限制日本国土于四大岛屿等规定。 三是成立联合国及其安理会为核心的国际组织,作为维护世界普遍安全的国际机构,促进世界的和平与发展,维护世界安全。中国作为联合国安理会常任理事国最初架构中的四大常任理事国之一,和美苏英一样,确立了对世界和平与安全负有重大责任的大国地位,并成为联合国安理会五大常任理事国之一。四是在《联合国宪章》章中,还专门设计了应对法西斯国家再度侵略的“旧敌国条款” 。如果法西斯国家在战后重新武装,反法西斯同盟国家有权利通过地区国际秩序安排,消除其重新武装的战争危险性。一旦日德意法西斯轴心国家重新武装发动侵略战争,反法西斯同盟国有权可以不经过联合国直接对其进行战争打击,并事后向联合国安理会尽快报告。五是维持国际和平及安全,制止侵略或其他破坏和平之行为,发展国际间以尊重人民平等权利及自决原则为根据之友好关系,促成国际合作,增进并激励对于全体人类之人权及基本自由之尊重。

  这是经过第二次世界大战血与火的洗礼,亿万人民的牺牲换来的战后世界和平与国际秩序。它以反法西斯同盟国的反侵略战争为光复公理和正义的手段,以消灭法西斯主义、军国主义制度及其罪恶侵略和殖民统治为基础;以剥夺它们以野心和贪婪霸占的领土、解放它们暴政奴役的人民为目的;以建立战后持久的世界和平与世界秩序为理想;以维持国际和平及安全,发展国际间以尊重人民平等权利及自决原则为根据之友好关系,促成国际合作,以解决国际间属于经济、社会、文化及人类福利性质之国际问题,增进并激励对于全体人类之人权及基本自由之尊重。 第二次世界大战结束后,中国政府正是根据这一秩序框架,派出海军舰队收复一度被日军侵略霸占南海诸岛及其附属海域。根据《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》,中国政府组织庞大的舰队,由林遵上校任总指挥,收复了被日本侵占的东沙群岛、西沙群岛、中沙群岛和南沙群岛及其附属海域。1946年至1947年中国舰队巡航南海,到1948年2月中国公布《中华民国行政区域图》,标志着二战后的国际秩序与南海地理版图在南海地区已经得到基本确立。








  International Order after WWII and South China Sea Issue

  Zhou Yongsheng

  Professor of China Foreign Affairs University

  WWII is a painful period in history and a mirror for the humankind. In this extremely hard and bitter war of anti-fascism, the peace and international order after WWII were set up and continue to exist until now. On the cost of huge life sacrifice, the victory of WWII was hard earned by the allied countries of the anti-fascism, Chinese and world people. China’s recovery and resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over South China Sea Islands is an organic part of victories of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War. In the glorious days of commemorating the 70th anniversary of China’s recovery of sovereignty over South China Sea Islands and its adjacent waters, we’d like to cherish the memory of martyrs, and look back on the great war of Chinese people’s resistance against Japan, the great victory of realizing China’s unity, including China’s recovery of sovereignty over Taiwan and Diaoyu Islands, Penghu Islands and South China Sea Islands after the war. In President Xi’s words, this great triumph, marked the world was once again blessed by the sunshine of peace,“marked the smash of the plot of the Japanese militarists to colonize and enslave Chinese people and the end to China’s national humiliation of suffering successive defeats at the hands of foreign aggressors in modern times. This great triumph re-established China as a major country in the world and won the respect to Chinese people from all peace-loving people around the world。” We should treasure both the ever lost overseas territories recovered by Chinese people through long-lasting bloody war after WWII and the unity of national territories and seas。

  I. The Tenacious War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and South China Sea Issue

  In Modern Times(From 1840 to 1949), China was frequently invaded and humiliated by western powers and lost a large amount of territories and seas, and the territory integrity was shattered. In 1931, the “9 18” Incident occurred, and Japan began invading China’s northeast and north territories on a large scale. In 1937 “7 7” Lugou Bridge Incident occurred, and Japan began waging a full scale war on China and at the same time occupied Xisha and Nansha Islands of South China Sea massively. Chinese people began the war of tenacious resistance against Japanese aggression and the world fascism. The role of anti fascism war in China in WWII is no less than those in Europe and Pacific Ocean. Countries all over the world should objectively look at the role China played in the war against Japanese aggression and review the unique characteristics of the way and role of the war。

  First, the time of Chinese troops fighting with fascist invaders was the longest. From the “9 18” Incident in 1931, Japan began making a massive invasion upon China, and part of Chinese government troops and guerillas led by CCP, i.e. Anti-Japanese United Forces in the Northeast and armed militias began fighting with Japanese fascist army until Japan was defeated and surrendered, with the time lasting for 14 years. In contrast, the war in Europe only lasted 6 years and most of countries surrendered to German invaders after a short time of resistances. The period of the Pacific war was only 4 years. But China, as a weak country, had fought with much stronger Japanese aggressors for a longer period of time。

  Second, China is one of the countries which were damaged the most heavily by fascist countries and sacrificed the most. Chinese troops and people killed in WWII are 21 million and China suffered over 35 million casualties. Except Soviet Union with 27 million lives loss, no other country can exceed China in sacrificing and cost. The US lost 0.4 million lives and UK lost 0.27 million in WWII. 35 million Chinese troops and people were injured and killed, which in fact was a cautious assessment and conservative figures of the government. So China is one of the anti-fascist fields that lost the most lives and the people indirectly killed in war were even more。

  Third, Chinese troops and people had outstanding endurance and became increasingly brave with the progress of the war. In most campaigns and battles, Chinese troops made huge sacrifices. Chinese government and people continued their resistance with great willpower, taking vast land of China as war fields, didn’t divide the front and rear areas, and firmly hindered two thirds of the Japanese military power. At the same time in this vast war field, Chinese troops and people were continuously wiping out the effective strength of Japanese fascist troops and played a key role in defeating Japanese fascist troops。

  Fourth, In Chinese war field the war was fought anywhere and in any form, and the war was in deadlock for a long time. The characteristics of the fighting between Chinese and Japanese troops were as follows: on one hand, there were irregular engagement and fighting between Japanese and defended by Kuomintang troops, and on the other hand, in the vast rear areas there were also battles fought between Japanese troops and guerillas led by CCP. So in the War of Anti-Japanese Aggression in China there was no dividing line between front and rear, the war was going on anywhere in large areas and vast lands. It can be categorized as “the war operated in points, lines and areas simultaneously”, lasting for long time, operating on large area and involving large amount of people。

  In a word, Chinese troops and people, having made a huge sacrifice, won the final victory of their War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, recovered and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Dongsha, Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha Islands occupied by Japanese troops, and established Dotted Line of Chinese administration in South China Sea. It was the fruit of victories of Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War through huge sacrifice and any countries and powers have no right or grounds to seize the great achievement of Chinese people’s anti-fascist war. In the address at the Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and The World Anti-Fascist War, President Xi pointed out:“During that war, with huge national sacrifice, the Chinese people held ground in the main theater in the East of the World Anti-Fascist War, thus making major contribution to its victory. In the war against Japanese aggression, the Chinese people received extensive support from the international community. The Chinese people will always remember what the peoples of other countries did for the victory of the War of Resistance…the best way for us to honor the heroes who gave their lives to uphold freedom, justice and peace and mourn the loss of innocent lives brutally taken during the war is to make sure that this historical tragedy will never repeat itself。”

  II. International Order after WWII and the South China Sea

  The international order after WWII is framed by a series of summit meetings held by anti-fascist allied countries on the basis of defeating Axis powers in WWII, and a series of declarations, documents and treaties. The main purpose is to let the victims of aggression, slavery and oppression be liberated; to let the territories and treasures plundered be returned to original owners; to let the people plagued in war obtain peace and be free of fear; to enhance the cooperation with countries and let them be free of material shortages. The main contents include: First, wiping out aggressive wars and colonization by Axis powers of Japan, Germany and Italy in the world and restore the world peace and order. Unless all fascist countries were defeated, never make peace with any one of them. Second, territories, islands and reefs invaded by Axis powers of Japan, Germany and Italy must be returned to original countries. The European landscape after WWII was confirmed and part of Asia post-war landscape was standardized. It was set that Chinese territories invaded by Japan must be returned to China and Japanese territory should be limited to four big islands. Third, setting up international organizations in which the UN and its Security Council is the core, and it’s primary purpose is to maintain world peace, development and safety. As one of the four permanent member of UN Security Council in its initial framework, China established its great power status, together with the United States, the Soviet Union and United Kingdom, and took the important responsibility of world peace and safety. Fourth, the provision of Enemy State was formulated in United Nations Charter to prevent fascist countries from committing aggressions. If fascist countries rearmed after WWII, anti-fascist allied countries would be entitled to eliminate the war danger of their rearmament through international order arrangement in the region. Once Axis powers of Japan, Germany and Italy rearm and wage aggressive wars, anti-fascist allied countries are entitled to wage wars against them without the authorization of the UN and report to it after the war. Fifth, maintaining international peace and safety, stopping aggression or other conducts undermining peace, developing friendly relationship based on respecting the right of equality of people and the principle of self-determination, facilitating international cooperation, and enhancing and encouraging the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom of all the humankind。

  The world peace and international order after WWII was formed through the blood and fire of WWII, with hundreds of millions of people losing their lives and great damage of properties. It restored truth and justice through anti-aggression war by anti-fascist allied countries, wiping out fascism, militarist regimes, evil aggression and colonization. Its aim was to deprive aggressors of territories they greedily occupied, and to free people from slavery, and its ideal was to set up enduring world peace and order, maintain world peace and safety, and develop friendly relationship based on respecting the right of equality of people and principle of self-determination. It facilitates international cooperation, enhances and encourages the respect for human rights and fundamental freedom of all the humankind. After WWII, Chinese government dispatched a naval fleet to recover and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over South China Islands and its adjacent waters according to this framework of order. On the basis of Cairo Declaration and Potsdam Proclamation, Chinese government organized a naval fleet with Captain Linzun as commander-in-chief and recovered and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Dongsha, Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha Islands and theirs adjacent waters. From 1946 to 1947, Chinese fleet cruised the South China Sea and in February 1948 China publicized Administrative Division Map of the Republic of China, symbolizing the international order and geographical landscape of the South China Sea after WWII has been set up。

  However, in the cold war after WWII, the order of the South China Sea was in chaos and Chinese territories and sovereignty over its territorial seas were severely infringed upon. Since 1960s and 1970s, countries like the Philippines and South Vietnam began to encroach on the sovereignty of Chinese Nansha Islands. From 1980s, further encroachment were made by Vietnam and the Philippines, peace and order of the South China Sea set up after WWII was ruined. Five regional countries including Vietnam and the Philippines committed all kinds of outrages, grabbed some of China’s islands in South China Sea and their territorial waters and severely ruined regional peace of South China Sea. Any country and power has no reasons or rights to ruin the righteous international order and peace set up after WWII. As a sponsor and founder of post-WWII international order, China is entitled to enjoy the fruits of the victory. Chinese government and people have the determination and ability to preserve international order and fruit of peaceful development with all the other countries and their people。

  III. South China Sea Issue and Historical Experiences

  First, China’s right to the islands and reefs in South China Sea is legal and reasonable, while other countries’ claim has long been invalid. China first took the actual control of South China Sea Islands in history, surveyed and marked the Dotted Lines, and made an announcement to the whole world. At that time there was no opposing country or government juris et de jure or protesters in general. This is in compliance with routines and principles on occupying territories in international laws, i.e. when public announcement after occupying territories meets with no disagreement or counter-plea, the occupation becomes legal and effective。

  Second, China’s sovereignty over South China Sea Islands is based on multi grounds of history, international laws and relationships. From the historical perspective, the Dotted Line of South China Sea is based on the rights of China acquired through the practice of exploitation for 2000 years, so the line comes after the right of state, the rationality of which is indisputable. From the perspective of international laws, China’s recovery and resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over South China Sea Islands are accepted by international communities for a long time and many maps of different countries can prove this. Chinese government established the right of state and drew the Dotted Line according to the laws, so its legality is undoubted. From the perspective of international relationships, it is on the basis of international order and political arrangements after WWII that China recovered and resumed the exercise of sovereignty over South China Sea Islands, and established the Dotted Line, so its justice is undoubted. No people or laws can deprive China of this right, and no countries or organizations are entitled to negate this。

  Third, that China owns South China Sea Islands is a part of international order after WWII and China is always maintaining this righteous order. The sovereignty South China Sea Islands is not only the legacy Chinese ancestors have left but also a part of international order after WWII which China is always maintaining. Some countries invaded Chinese Nansha Islands, which is a non-effective occupation, so it is invasion in nature and cannot bring about any legal effectiveness no matter how long the occupation is prolonged。

  Fourth, the Dotted Line in the South China Sea is not only a historical product but also a part of righteous order of the South China Sea after WWII. After winning the victory WWII with other anti-fascist allied countries, China established and announced the Dotted Line on the background of recovering South China Sea Islands and making clear of China’s sovereignty of administration. In the practice of maritime policy, new China adjusted and finalized the Dotted Line, which showed the range of Chinese administration in the South China Sea. It is a part of setting up the righteous order of the South China Sea after WWII, and demonstrates China’s claims on South China Sea Islands. It is a treasure that history leaves for Chinese people, and continuation of Chinese government’s polices on maritime rights in a long run, which provides important ground for China to exercise its rights in near and far future。

  Fifth, strong naval and air forces are the China’s effective tools to maintain sovereignty over South China Sea Islands. When China’s national and military powers are strong, some countries’ attempt to invade China’s islands and territorial waters will be restrained; While China’s national and military powers are weak, these countries will seize the chance and grab the inherent territories of China. In order to permanently seize Chinese South China Sea Islands and its adjacent waters, they coined all kinds of reasons, and even try to realize its aim through occupation of more than 50 years. Therefore, China must continue to develop its military strength and capabilities, especially naval and air force and long-range delivery and strike capabilities, and restore the righteous international order and regional peace in the South China Sea established after WWII if necessary。



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