
发布时间:2024年01月07日 16:22     来源:中国新闻网

  2024年,哈尔滨一跃成为新年顶流。为了让游客体验“滨”至如归的感觉,当地人把冻梨切片摆盘,给豆腐脑加了糖,为中央大街铺上了地毯,还在广场打造了温暖驿站。 交响乐团从音乐厅走进了商场, “非遗”打铁花在冰天雪地里上演,圣索菲亚大教堂上空升起了人造月亮,哈尔滨为游客创造了一个又一个浪漫。 所以,这泼天的富贵,不给哈尔滨还能给谁?(莫红娥) Harbin, capital city of Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, has become the top destination for tourists in the New Year. To let visitors experience the generosity of Northeast China, locals slice the frozen pears and plate them beautifully, and add sugar to bean curd jelly to cater to their taste. They have placed carpets along the Central Avenue, and built warm rest spots on the square. The city has created multiple romances for tourists: the symphony orchestra in the shopping mall, the intangible cultural heritage shows of "iron-water splashing" in the snow, and the artificial moon over the St. Sophia Cathedral. It deserves the explosive popularity.


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